It's just me...

It's just me...

Friday, October 16, 2015


Kehidupan ini adalah seperti kertas
Dan kemudian dibuang.

Dunia semuanya seperti kertas
Ramai yg Sedih
Malu dan
Kerana kertasnya

Kerana kertas manusia dipuji
Kerana kertas manusia dipuja
Kerana kertas manusia dihina
Kerana kertas manusia terpisah
Kerana kertas manusia berkuasa
Kerana kertas manusia merana

Sijil Kelahiran
Sijil Penghargaan
Sijil Kelulusan
Sijil Perkahwinan
Buku Akaun 
Sijil Perubatan
Jemputan Kahwin
Semuanya menggunakan kertas.

Hanya satu kertas yang DIMILIKI seseorang 
Tetapi tidak dapat MELIHATNYA sendiri
Sijil Kematian

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Perbualan Jururawat dan Pesakit        

Pesakit: "Abang jururawat, best bekerja di hospital? Dah lama ke kerja sini?"    

Abang misi:→ "Bolehlah. Nak kata best, ada juga stressnya. Tapi, selama 5 tahun kerja di sini, dapat banyak pengalaman yang bernilai yang orang luar di sana takkan dapat rasa."
Pesakit: "Apa yang best sangat tu? Nurse-nurse lawa-lawa eh?"      

Abang misi: →"Bukan. Tu tak best. Ada yang lagi best."        

Pesakit: "Wah, apa dia?"

Abang misi: →"Di sini setiap hari saya lihat pesakit meninggal dunia. Kerja saya uruskan kencing berak mereka, bersihkan mereka hinggalah ke urusan jenazah.

→ Apa yang saya lihat sepanjang saya bekerja di hospital ni, betapa ramainya di antara mereka yang sudah meninggal..sebelum meninggal meminta-minta sama ada dari waris atau jururawat untuk pegang naskhah al-Quran.

→ Ada yang tak boleh baca, ada yang suruh kami bacakan. Ada juga yang tidak sempat sentuh al-Quran, tak sempat baca al-Quran, Allah telah pun mengambil nyawa mereka. Bila dibacakan sahaja al-Quran pada mereka, berlinangan air mata.      

→Saya lihat betapa orang-orang yang berada di akhir nafas, majoriti nak sangat sentuh al-Quran. Kalau boleh, nak mati dengan peluk al-Quran. Pengalaman-pengalaman yang saya lalui di sini buat hati ini insaf. Sedar satu perkara yang sangat penting."  

Pesakit: "Hm. Apa dia?"    

Abang misi: →"Apa yang kita biasa pegang ketika kita masih sihat, apa yang kita biasa baca dan belai ketika masih hidup gembira ketika tak datangnya sakit...itu jugalah yang kita akan dapat pegang dan sentuh di akhir hayat.

Jika kita selalu pegang handphone di tangan setiap masa, sibuk dengan gajet di tangan dan lalai kerananya, agak-agak di akhir hayat kita nanti...

Dapatkah kita sentuh dan pegang al-Quran? Sedangkan tangan kita tak biasa pegang al-Quran, sehari sekali pun susah nak belai dan belek al-Quran apatah lagi membaca atau mentadabburnya... Allah...Allah...

Sungguh, kita dah tak perlu handphone atau gajet di akhir nyawa kita..kita sangat memerlukan al-Quran...barulah kita sedar masa itu apa yang dah kita rugi...Allah..Allah..."    
Pesakit: "(menitis air mata.....) Abang..bacakan saya al-Quran...saya tak boleh baca..buta tajwid... "  

Abang misi tersenyum. Dikeluarkan al-Quran mini dari kocek bajunya.      

✔Hampir 9 dari 10 pesakit yang beragama islam yang berada di katil hospital lazimnya memaparkan wajah penuh kesalan serta menyesal, menyesal dan menyesal tak ambil peluang untuk membaca Quran ketika sihat dan berpeluang?    
✔Wajah2 gerun dan seram bila ambang maut mendekati?      

Kita renung2 kan sejenak..... peringatan utk diri sy jugak...


Ada 5 perkara kita semua pasti inginkan serta berusaha untuk mendapatkannya:

1. Wajah yang cantik.
2. Duit berjuta-juta.
3. Sihat dan kuat.
4. Anak-anak yang patuh serta berjaya.
5. Tidur nyenyak tanpa ubat penenang.

Hal itu mudah kita perolehi, hanya perlukan waktu 15 minit saja.

Bagaimana caranya???

1. Nabi SAW bersabda: Barangsiapa yg tinggalkan solat Subuh maka wajahnya tak akan ada cahaya.

2. Barangsiapa yang tinggalkan solat Zohor nescaya tak ada keberkatan dlm rezekinya.

3. Barangsiapa yang tinggalkan solat Asar nescaya tak ada kekuatan dlm jasadnya.

4. Barangsiapa yang tinggalkan solat Maghrib nescaya tak ada buah atau hasil yg boleh dipetik dari anak²nya.

5. Barangsiapa yg tinggalkan solat Isya' tak ada kenyamanan dlm tidurnya.

Tahu kenapa kalimah 'Laa ilaaha Illallah' tidak sampai menggerakkan bibir jika diucapkan??

Sebab ini adalah rahmat dari Allah swt ke atas orang Islam, supaya jika maut menghampiri dengan mudah ia menyebutkan kalimah itu.

Mudah-mudahan tangan yang mengirim dan menyebarkan ini kelak tidak susah untuk melafazkan kalimah
Laa ilaaha Illallah.

Bila ini bermanfaat bagimu, sila kongsikan dengan orang² yang kita sayangi, berbahagi perkara yg bermanfaat adalah bahagian dari amal² soleh.

Sahabatmu dlm perkongsian...
Wallahu A'lam...


Zamzam is an 18 x 14 ft well and is 13 meters deep.
It started 4000 years ago.
Never dried since then. Never changed taste.
No Algae or plant growth in the water, so no disease caused.
Tested by European Labs and declared fit for drinking.
This small well provides water for 2 million people through heavy motors pulling 8000 litres per second and every 24hrs, it refills its level
in 11 minutes. Thus, its water level never decreases.
Subhan Allah .!
Priceless knowledge... Share with as many people as u can.

A Non Muslim Scientist proved we are more electrically charged now than ever before due to the electromagnetic radiations from the things like: Mobile phones, TV, AC, Microwave etc, and if we don't want this radiation to harm us, we should place our forehead on the floor more than once a day as the earth can absorb radiation.
We Muslims are gifted With 5 Times Salaat to touch our heads down i.e. 92 Sajdahs everyday. Subhana Allah.!
There is always wisdom behind Allah's Commandments.

(Surah Rahman)
If this inspired you, why not share it with everyone.


Disebabkan ada yang nak tahu, saya kongsikan tips tidur yang insyaAllah dapat membantu belajar dengan lebih efektif.

P/s: Credit to my junior who is also a Hafiz of the Quran who shared this tips with me. We need 6-8 hours of sleep to feel recharged, not too much and not too little.

My tips? Sleep after Isya’(around 10 a.m till 1 a.m) Around this period of time, 1 hour of sleep is equivalent to 3 hours of sleep.

Untuk muslim, bolehlah nak tahajjud/qiyamulail lepas bangun atau nak tunggu 2/3 malam, up to you.

Selepas bangun, between 1-4 a.m, our brain can function between a miraculous range of 90-100%. That’s why some hafiz memorises the Quran at this time. For students, try studying at this time to gain better memorising and focus power.

However, brain power drops to 60-80% as we approach 5-6 a.m but it;s still quite a good performance status. As you make it through the day, brain power drops and drops until it reaches the lowest performance of about 0-35% which is after Asar.
That is why it's not really effective to study at this period of time, go for a jog instead. Play sports and shake those stress away.

- Dr Wazir Aiman

Sunday, June 14, 2015


Wahai kaum Hawa, cubalah untuk mencontohi para penghuni syurga ini.

Contohilah SITI MARYAM
Yang tidak pernah berjumpa dengan ajnabi.
Yang jiwa tidak pernah melayan soal hati.
Yang hanya mengabdikan diri untuk Sang Pencipta.

Contohilah ASIYAH
Yang tidak tertipu dengan kemewahan istana Firaun.
Yang menolak dunia demi syurga di sisi-Nya.
Yang sanggup berjihad nama Allah SWT walaupun terpaksa berkorban nyawa.

Yang sentiasa ada untuk suaminya.
Yang menjadi penyejuk mata dan asbab senyuman Rasulullah saw.
Yang sanggup mendaki gunung yang tinggi hanya untuk memberi makan supaya Rasulullah saw tidak kelaparan.

Contohilah Siti Fatimah
Yang sentiasa menyokong ayahandanya walaupun ditindas.
Yang tidak melihat ajnabi dan tidak dilihat.
Yang menjaga kehormatan dan maruahnya hingga ke akhir hayat.

Thursday, May 28, 2015


Suggest how a farmer can control the population of mice at his farm without the use of peticides.
Explain how the method works.
  • Use biological control
  • which involves prey-predator relationship
  • Predators such as snakes are used to catch the prey which is the mice.
  • Population of mice will decreases.
  • Predator must be specific / neutral.
  • Predator must not harm the plants in the farm.
  • This prey-predator interaction will ensure that the population of each other will be regulated in a cyclical manner which maintains the populations of both organisms in a dynamic equilibrium.

What is meant by "colonisation and succession in a habitat"? Explain how colonisation and succession bring about the formation of primary forest in a habitat.

  • Colonization is a process whereby a species colonises and survives in a newly formed area.
  • Succession is a process when one species of organisms changes the habitat which results in the organisms to be succeeded/ replaced by other species which is more suitable to the habitat.
  • Activities of the pioneer species (submerged plants) cause a change in the habitat, make it more suitable to other species.
  • The remains of plants and decayed bodies deposited on the pond bed.
  • Water level in the pond decreases / Pond becomes shallower
  • which will add nutrients to the pond water and change the pH of the water.
  • This favours the growth of floating plants which replace the pioneer species.
  • Floating plants cover the water surface, preventing light from penetrating the water and causing slower rate of photosynthesis in the pond
  • causes many of the submerged plants to die and sink to the bottom of the pond.
  • Raising the pond bed / Making the pond more shallow.
  • Floating plants are gradually replaced by amphibious plants.
  • The successor causes further changes to the pond, making it unfavourable to the amphibian plants to grow.
  • Finally, the amphibious plants are replaced by a land community which dominates the area.

Explain why most plants cannot colonize and grow in the swamps.
  • The ground is too soft and unable to support plants.
  • The water-logged / muddy swamps provide very little oxygen for root respiration.
  • The swamp water has a high concentration of salt and is hypertonic.
  • The plants growing in the swamp will have the problem of dehydration.
  • Seeds that fall into the muddy swamp will die of dehydration / insufficiency of oxygen.
  • The swamp is exposed to strong sunlight and intense heat.
  • As a result, the plants growing there will lose water very fast by transpiration.

Explain how the mangrove trees adapt themselves to the harsh living conditions.

  • Root system which is highly branched and spreads over a big area to overcome soft mud problems.
  • Avicennia sp has extensive branching roots / Rhizophora sp has stilts roots / Bruguiera sp has buttress roots
  • for support the plants to trap soil particle.
  • Pneumatophores (breathing roots) which grow protruding upwards above the ground with lenticels
  • for gaseous exchange

  • Excess salt is eliminated through hydathodes 
  • found at the lower epidermis of leaves.
  • Viviporous seeds which germinate while still attached to the parents plant.
  • The long radical produced will let the seedling stick into the ground and not submerge or drift away.
  • Thick cuticle and sunken stomata 
  • which help to reduce the rate of transpiration
  • The plant cells have high concentration of cell sap.
  • The cells are able to withstand the high salt contents of the swamp.

Explain how nitrogen cycle maintain the content of nitrogen in the atmosphere through microorganisms, factory and lightning.

  • Nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the root nodules of leguminous plants and in the soil can convert atmospheric nitrogen
  • through nitrogen fixation process.
  • They fix atmospheric nitrogen and convert it into ammonium compounds.
  • The nitrates are then absorbed by the plants to make proteins.
  • When animal eat plants, the proteins are transferred to the animals.
  • When plant and animals die (or excrete nitogeneous substances) these dead organisms or nitrogeneous substances are broken down to ammonia by bacteria of decay.
  • Nitrosomonas sp convert ammonia into nitrite.
  • Nitrobacter sp convert nitrites to nitrates.
  • Denitrifying bacteria convert nitrates back to nitrogen to complete the nitrogen cycle.

  • Industrial process / Haber process
  • chemical reaction, oxygen plus nitrogen, produces chemical fertilizer / ammonium nitrite, urea
  • Industrial factory
  • release nitrogen dioxide which dissolved in water producing nitrus acid and changes to nitrate when react with metalic base in soil.

  • Nitrogen-fixation by lightning
  • produces nitrogen dioxide which dissolve in water to produce nitrite in the soil.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Explain the principle of enzymatic reaction between enzyme and substrate.

  • The reaction is based on lock and key.
  • The enzyme reacts on the substrate.
  • The substrate molecules bind to the active site of the enzyme
  • to form enzyme-substrate complex.
  • The enzyme remains unchanged at the end of reaction. / The enzyme can be used again.
  • Products are produced at the end of reaction.

Decribe the production of extracellular enzyme.

  • The information for the synthesis of enzymes is carried by DNA in nucleus.
  • The information is copied and carried / transferred to ribosome through RNA / mRNA.
  • The information is used to synthesize protein in the ribosome.
  • Proteins that are synthesized in the ribosome are transported through the spaces between rough endoplasmic reticulum.
  • Protein depart from structure rough endoplasmic reticulum wrapped in transport vesicles the buds off the side of rough endoplasmic reticulum.
  • These transport vesicles fused with the membrane of golgi apparatus to be sorted and modified.
  • Modified protein is packed into secretory vesicle.
  • Secretory vesicles bud off from golgi apparatus membrane and sent to plasma membrane.
  • Secretory vesicles will release the modified protein / enzyme outside the cell (as extracellular enzyme).


A group of farmers planned to develop an agriculture nearby the lake. Explain the effect on the lake if their planning is not managed properly.

  • Farmers use fertilisers that usually contain nitrates and phosphates.
  • The leaching of chemical fertiliser from agriculture area to the lake may occur when it rains.
  • Increase the fertility of lake.
  • Encourages eutrophication (algal growth)
  • The growth of algae prevents the light from reaching the base of the lake.
  • This reduce and prevents photosynthesis by aquatic plants.
  • Reduce the oxygen release.
  • Aquatic animals and plants die due to lack of oxygen.
  • Decomposition of dead plants, animals and organic matter by bacteria rapidly.
  • This will increase the dissolved oxygen content.
  • BOD increases the water polluted.
  • This cause the aquatic animals die.

Explain briefly about the acid rain phenomenon and its effect to the environment.

  • Occurs when motor vehicles / factory released large amount of nitrogen oxide
  • and sulphur dioxide
  • Nitrogen oxide combine with water vapour in atmosphere to form nitric acid.
  • Sulphur dioxide combine with water vapour in atmosphere to form sulphuric acid.
  • The rain fall as the acid rain.
  • May corrode the building
  • Acidic water causes aquatic animals die
  • Minerals in soil dissolved in water
  • Soil becomes infertile / not suitable for plant to growth
  • Less yield / plant die because of infertile soil
  • The ecological balance of ecosystem distrupt

Explain how ozone depletion occurs. Discuss its effects on human and the environment and suggest the ways to solve this problem.

  • Thinning of ozone layer is due to widespread use of CFC
  • It is used in aerosol, industrial solvents, electronics and in air conditioner
  • Ultraviolet radiation strikes CFC molecule cause chlorine atom to break away
  • Then chlorine atom collides with an ozone molecule and combines with an oxygen atom to form chlorine monoxide and oxygen.
  • Then the free atom of oxygen collides with the chlorine monoxide, the two oxygen atoms form a molecule of oxygen.
  • The chlorine atom is released and free to destroy more ozone molecules.
  • The chlorine produced re-enters the cycle.
  • When the ozone layer becomes thinner, more ultraviolet radiation reaches the Earth.
  • Reduction of body's immune system
  • Skin cancer
  • Eye cataract
  • Reduction of rate of plant growth / reducing crop yields
  • Death of plankton / Reduce food supply to aquatic organisms
  • Reduce / Stop using CFC or chlorine-based products
  • Replace CFC with HCFC
  • Use wrapping paper instead of polysterene boxes

Discuss how forest burning causes disasters to the environment.

  • Releases a lot of carbon dioxide into atmosphere.
  • Carbon dioxide traps heat and causes global warming.
  • Releases heavy smoke which reduces light intensity for photoynthesis.
  • Smoke particles cause health hazards
  • Destroys flora and fauna
  • Lost of herbs for medical puposes
  • Lost of habitat and extinction of flora and fauna

Explain the effect of an increase in carbon dioxide concentration on the ecosystem.

  • Increase in carbon dioxide is due to the burning of fossil fuels in vehicles and excessive cutting down of trees in the forests.
  • Increase in the carbon dioxide traps heat.
  • Mirrored buildings reflect heat
  • which causes a rise in temperature of Earth.
  • This phenomenon is called greenhouse effect.
  • Industries increase the amount of CFCs and methane in atmosphere and cause global warming.
  • It will cause the melting of ice at the poles.
  • The sea level rises
  • which causes low-lying areas to be flooded.
  • It will affect the weather pattern, wind directions and rainfall
  • which will affect the yield of crops and water supply.
  • The land becomes dry and infertile due to drought.


Describe the structure of the plasma membrane based on model proposed by S.J. Singer and G. Nicholas.
  • Plasma protein is composed of phospholipid and protein.
  • Phospholipid molecule has polar head whish is hydrophilic
  • and non-polar tail which is hydrophobic.
  • Phospholipid bilayers are not rigid or static but form a dynamic flexible structure (that is always changing).
  • Various types of protein are partially or wholly embedded in the membrane.
  • There are pore protein and carrier protein.
  • Protein molecules float about in the phospholipid bilayer to form a mosaic pattern that is always changing.
  • Contains cholesterol which links the fatty acids together.
  • Cholesterol helps to stabilize/ strengthen plasma membrane.

State characteristics of the phospholipid bilayer.
  • It consists of hydrophilid heads and hydrophobic tails.
  • The hydrophilic heads are facing the exterior and the hydrophobic tails are facing the interior of the cell.
  • The bilayer is dinamic / not static.

Explain how certain substances pass through the plasma membrane.
  • The phopholipid bilayer is made up of a polar head and non-polar tail.
  • The head of phospholipid is hydrophilic while the tail is hydrophobic.
  • Polar molecules like water can cross the phospholipid layer by osmosis.
  • Small neutral molecules like oxygen / carbon dioxide can cross the lipid layer by simple diffusion.
  • Small lipid-soluble molecules can also cross the lipid layer.
  • Large molecules like glucose and amino acids across the plasma membrane with the help of carrier proteins.
  • Small molecules with charges slightly larger molecules across the membrane using pore protein.

Explain the similarities and differences between facilitated diffusion and active transport.

  • Both ways of transportation need carrier protein
  • to bind with glucose / sodium ion
  • Both transport specific molecules only
  • because carrier protein have specific sites ( to certain molecules)
  • Both processes occur in living cell
  • because they need carrier protein which can change shape to allow substances to move across.
  • Both processes transport substances which cannot pass through the phospholipid layer of cell membrane.
    Facilitated diffusion
    Active transport
    Movement of molecules Goes down the concentration gradient.

    From a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration
    Goes against the concentration gradient.

    From a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration
    Molecules can move through Pore proteins & carrier proteins Carrier proteins only
    Energy (ATP) No energy is used.

    Cellular energy is not required to transport glucose.
    Energy is used.

    Cellular energy is required to transport ions.

    Describe how ions are transported in the cell.
    • By active transport- The movement of ions is against the concentration gradient.
    • And it needs energy which is produced by cellular respiration (in the form of ATP molecules).
    • Carrier proteins bind with the ions and change their shape, thus carrying the ions across plasma membrane.

    A chemical substance inhibits the respiration process in the root hair cells of plant. Explain the effect to the transport of mineral ions into the root hair cells.
    • The cell unable to produce energy.
    • Active transport does not occurs.
    • Mineral ions cannot be transported into the cell.

    Explain the movement of water molecules across plasma membrane by osmosis.

    ISOTONIC SOLUTION (5 % sucrose solution)
    • The cell retains its normal shape.
    • The 5% sucrose solution concentration is isotonic to the sap cell of vacuole.
    • Water molecules diffuses into and out the cell at equal rates.
    • There is no net movement of water across the plasma membrane.
    • The protoplasm does not change/ Vacuole does not expand or shrink.
    HYPOTONIC SOLUTION (0.1% sucrose solution)
    • The cells become turgid.
    • The 0.1% sucrose solution concentration is hypotonic to the sap cell of vacuole.
    • Water molecules diffuse into the sap cell of vacuole by osmosis.
    • The vacuole expand & swell up / The plasma membrane pushes against the rigid cell wall / Create turgor pressure
    HYPERTONIC SOLUTION (30% sucrose solution)
    • The cells become shriveled / undergo plasmolysis.
    • The 30% sucrose solution concentration is hypertonic to the sap cell of vacuole.
    • Water molecules diffuses out from the sap cell of vacuole
    • by osmosis.
    • Both the vacuole & cytoplasm shrink / The plasma membrane pull away from the cell wall.

    Explain the method used to preserve fish.
    • Salting - The fish is immersed in the salt solution which is hypertonic to the fish tissues.
    • More water diffuses out from the fish tissues into the salt solution by osmosis.
    • The hypertonic solution causes the fish to be dehydrated.
    • This prevents bacterial growth in the fish tissues.
    • The bacterial cells are also plasmolysed.
    • This prevents decay of the fish.

    Describe the method in preserving vegetables.
    • Vegetables are immersed in vinegar which is acidic.
    • Vinegar diffuses into the vegetables tissues.
    • The vegetables tissues become acidic.
    • The low pH prevents bacterial growth on the tissues.
    • This prevents decay of the vegetables.

    Explain the condition of plant after added with excess fertilizer.
    • Excess fertilizer will cause the soil water to be hypertonic towards the root hair cells.
    • Water from the root hair cells diffuse out to the soil by osmosis.
    • The cells become plasmolysed and this leads to wilting.

    Tuesday, May 26, 2015


    A group of friends visited their old university professor.  
    Conversation soon turned to complaints about  'STRESS' & 'TENSION' in Life.  

    Professor offered them Coffee & returned from kitchen with Coffee in different kinds of cups.
    Glass Cups...
    Crystal Cups...
    Shining Ones....
    Some Plain Looking...
    Some Ordinary.... 
    Some Expensive Ones... 

    When all of them had a Cup in Hand, the professor said 
    "If you noticed, all the Nice Looking & Expensive Cups are taken up, leaving   behind the ordinary ones !!  
    Everyone of you wanted the Best CUPS,  &  that is the source of your STRESS & TENSION !! 
    What you really wanted was  "Coffee", not the "Cup" !  
    But you still went for the Best Cup. 
    If Life is Coffee,  Then Jobs, Money, Status & Love etc. are the Cups !!!  
    They are just TOOLS to hold and contain Life.  
    Please Don't Let the CUPS Drive you !!  
    Enjoy the COFFEE ......!!


    Don't educate your children to be rich. Educate them to be Happy. So when they grow up they will know the value of things, not the price.

    Eat your food as your medicines. Otherwise you have to eat medicines as your food.

    The one who loves you will never leave you because even if there are 100 reasons to give up he will find one reason to hold on.

    There is a lot of difference between human being and being human. Only a few understand it.

    You are loved when you are born. You will be loved when you die. In between, you have to manage...!

    If u want to walk FAST, walk ALONE..!
    If u want to walk FAR,walk TOGETHER..!!

    Six Best Doctors in the World :-
       5.Self Confidence
    Maintain them in all stages of Life and enjoy healthy life

    If   you   see   the   moon ..... You   see    the    beauty    of    God .....   
    If    you   see    the   Sun ..... You   see    the    power   of    God .....   
    And ....    If   you   see   the   Mirror ..... You   see     the    best    Creation of  GOD .... 
    So    Believe   in     YOURSELF.....

    We all are tourists & 
    GOD is our travel agent who
    already fixed all our Routes Reservations & Destinations
    Trust HIM  & Enjoy the "Trip" called LIFE...


    “Sayang, tengok nih. Cantiknya AlQuran nih. Warna keemasan. Sesuai untuk kita buat hantaran” pekik Jamilah kepada Nabil...

    “Sini pun cantik juga. Warna unggu keemasan. Mana satu kita nak beli nih” balas Nabil.

    Mereka sedang asyik mencari bahan-bahan untuk dibuat hantaran. Tinggal satu lagi yang masih dicari-cari iaitu AlQuran yang bakal dijadikan hantaran.

    “Tapi, yang ni lagi best, ada terjemahan arab” keluh Jamilah.

    “Ala, awak bukan reti pun bahasa arab” jawab Nabil. Tergelak Jamilah. Berbahagia rasanya dapat calon suami seperti Nabil. Prihatin.

    “Apa yang saudara cari tu. Nampak seronok saya lihat” tegur pakcik berbaju putih. Jaluran baju ke bawah menampakkan lagi seri wajah seorang pakcik dalam lingkungan 40-an.

    “Oh, kami cari AlQuran. Nak buat hantaran. Maklumlah, nak bina masjid” sengih Nabil. Jamilah ikut senyum tidak jauh dari situ..

    “Oh. Bagus lah. Adik selalu baca waktu bila?” pakcik menyoal sambil tersenyum.

    “Aa.. aa.. lama dah saya tak baca, pakcik“ teragak-agak Nabil menjawab. Jamilah sudah di sebelah rak yang lain.

    “Kalau gitu, tak perlu lah beli AlQuran kalau sekadar hantaran. Kesian ALQuran. Itu bukan kitab hiasan, dik” tegur pakcik berhemah.

    “Alah, pakcik nih. Kacau daun pulak urusan orang muda. Kami beli ni nak baca la” tiba-tiba Jamilah muncul dengan selamba jawapannya.

    “Oh, baguslah. Kalau gitu beli lah tafsir ArRahman. Ada tafsiran lagi” cadang pakcik. Mukanya nampak seperti orang-orang ahli masjid.

    “Ala, besar lah pakcik. Kami nak pilih nih. Kiut lagi” senyum Jamilah mengangkat bungkusan AlQuran warna unggu keemasan. Saiznya kecil.

    “Jangan lupa baca ya” pakcik dengan selamba sambil meninggalkan pasangan tersebut.

    “Sibuk je la pakcik tu” Jamilah mengomel.

    Nabil kelihatan serba salah. Mungkin ‘terpukul’ dengan kata-kata seorang pakcik yang muncul secara tiba-tiba.

    Hari yang dinantikan sudah tiba. Mereka sudah bersolek. Hari nan indah. Terlalu indah buat pasangan teruna dan dara yang bakal disatukan. Nabil dan Jamilah tidak sabar-sabar menantikan ucapan indah tersebut. Pak imam baru sahaja sampai.

    “Assalamualaikum semua” ucapan salam Pak Imam bergema.

    Nabil bagai hidup semula. Dirinya terkejut. Jantung bagai gugur serta merta. Mungkin tidak percaya apa yang dipandangnya dihadapan. Ahli-ahli keluarga berebut-rebut bersalaman dengan Pak Imam. Mukanya berseri-seri. Janggutnya putih. Jubah putih. Rambutnya ada yang berwarna putih.

    “Inikah pengantin hari ini?” tegur selamba Ustaz Saad.

    “Pak.. Ustaz.. kabar baik, pak... usta.. ustazz..” jawab Nabil mengigil. Jamilah juga terkebil-kebil melihat kelibat orang yang dikenali di kedai buku 2 bulan lalu.

    “Oh, sebelum tu, saya suka mendengar bacaan adik Nabil. Mudah-mudahan kita dapat mengambil manfaat dari bacaan pengantin” cadang Ustaz Saad. Kelihatan orang ramai mengiyakan. Maklumlah, ustaz Saad merupakan antara orang dikenali oleh ahli-ahli sebagai penceramah tetap setiap hari Khamis selepas maghrib.

    Nabil menelan air liur. Baginya inilah saat paling menyeramkan bagi dirinya. Peluh membasahi baju melayu satin berwarna putih.

    “Ss.. su.. surah apa ustaz?” Nabil cuba mengagahkan diri. Jamilah masih melihat dari tepi tirai. Memegang kepalanya. Seperti mengagak benda yang sebaliknya berlaku.

    “Oh, ayat yang mudah ja. Baca 3 ayat Surah ArRa’d” kata ustaz Saad sambil menunjukkan baris giginya yang putih hasil bersugi setiap solat mengikut sunnah nabi. Surah Ar Rad

    Surah Ar Ra'd

    “ Apa benda nih ” detik hati Nabil.

    “ Bismillahirrahmaani rrahim.. ALL..MAA.. RIII..!! ” berlagu Nabil.

    Kelihatan gemuruh satu rumah pengantin perempuan. Ada yang keluar dari rumah menahan gelak. Ada yang mengeluarkan air mata menahan kelucuan. Ada yang menggeleng-geleng kepala. Ibu bapa Jamilah merah padam wajahnya. Jamilah entah ke mana, mungkin berpura-pura ke tandas.

    “ Baru ustaz tahu ada kalimah almari di dalam ALQuran. Adik Nabil, cara bacanya seperti begini : A ’ uzubillahiminnassya itaanirra jim.. Bismillahirrahmanir rahim.. ALIF.. LAMM.. MIMMM... RAA.. ” kedengar suara gemersik Ustaz Sa ’ ad. Orang ramai kelihatan ingin mendengar lebih banyak lagi alunan irama ALQurannya.

    Nabil berasa seperti kilat menyambar kepalanya.

    “ Nabil, kamu jangan merendah-rendahkan kitab petunjuk iaitu AlQuran. Ianya hendaklah dibaca bukan sekadar dijadikan hantaran. Malah lebih malang perlakuan seperti ini seolah-olah menghina ALQuran. Beli ALQuran kemudian menaruh di tempat-tempat tinggi seolah-olah ianya sudah cukup bagi seorang muslim ” tazkirah sudah bermula. Orang ramai memang senang cara penyampaian ustaz Sa ’ ad.

    “ Tinggi mana pun kamu belajar, tiada gunanya kitab yang tidak berubah ini tidak mampu kamu baca. Kitab ini pasti begini rupanya, ayatnya tetap sama, kedudukannya tidak sama. Malah, ketahuilah Allah akan menjaganya sehingga hari kiamat. Nabil, kalau kamu tahu orang-orang yang mengaku kitab AlQuran sebagai kitab petunjuk kemudian diabaikan dia pasti dilaknat oleh AlQuran itu sendiri. Tetapi beruntungnya orang-orangnya memanfaatkan AlQuran setiap hari, membacanya, menghafalnya, mengamalkan menjadikan hati terlalu tenang walapun dia bukannya seorang yang tinggi pelajarannya, kaya hidupnya dan sebagainya.. ” penutup Ustaz Sa ’ ad sudah dikagumi orang terutama yang mengikuti ceramahnya.

    Hari semakin cepat berlalu..

    Nabil sudah melalui hari-hari yang indah. Kitab ALQUran yang menjadi hantaran pertunangan sudah menjadi diari kehidupannya yang aktif setiap hari.

    Pit.. Pit! Jangan lupa datang rumah ustaz malam nih. Kita belajar sama-sama. Jangan lupa bawa isteri sekali ya Nabil. SMS dari ustaz Sa ’ ad tiba. Jamilah senyum disisi suaminya, Nabil. read dis..

    Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: 'When a man dies and his relatives are busy in funeral, there stands an extremely handsome man by his head. When the dead body is shrouded, that man gets in between the shroud and the chest of the deceased.

    Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) bersabda : 'Bila seseorang lelaki itu mati dan saudaranya sibuk dengan pengebumiannya, berdiri lelaki yang betul-betul kacak di bahagian kepalanya. Bila mayatnya dikapan, lelaki itu berada di antara kain kapan dan si mati.

    Selepas pengebumian, semua orang pulang ke rumah, 2 malaikat Mungkar dan Nakir, datang dalam kubur dan cuba memisahkan lelaki kacak ini supaya mereka boleh menyoal lelaki yang telah meninggal itu seorang diri mengenai ketaatannya kepada Allah. Tapi lelaki kacak itu berkata, Dia adalah temanku, dia adalah kawanku. Aku takkan meninggalkannya seorang diri walau apa pun. Jika kamu ditetapkan untuk menyoal, lakukanlah tugasmu. Aku tidak boleh meninggalkannya sehingga aku dapati dia dimasukkan ke dalam Syurga.'

    Thereafter he turns to his dead companion and says, 'I am the Qur'an, which you used to read, sometimes in a loud voice and sometimes in a low voice. Do not worry. After the interrogation of Munkar and Naker, you will have no grief.'

    Selepas itu dia berpaling pada temannya yang meninggal dan berkata,'Aku adalah Al-Quran, yang mana kamu membacanya, kadang-kadang dengan suara yang nyaring dan kadang-kadang dengan suara yang perlahan. Jangan bimbang. Selepas soal siasat dari Mungkar dan Nakir, kamu tidak akan bersedih.'

    When the interrogation is over, the handsome man arranges for him from Al-Mala'ul A'laa (the angels in Heaven) silk bedding filled with musk.

    Selepas soal siasat selesai, lelaki kacak mengatur untuknya daripada Al-Mala'ul A'laa (malaikat dalam Syurga) tempat tidur dari sutera yang dipenuhi bauan kesturi

    Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: 'On the Day of Judgement, before Allah, no other Intercessor will have a greater status than the Qur'an, neither a Prophet nor an angel.'

    Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) bersabda :'Di hari pengadilan, di hadapan Allah, tiada syafaat yang lebih baik darjatnya daripada Quran, mahupun dari nabi atau malaikat.

    Monday, April 20, 2015


    • Belajarlah dari MATAHARI - Adil menebar cahaya dan memberikan kehangatan kepada semua, baik yng terawang-awangan di angkasa mahupun yang bertebaran di atas bumi, kepada yang miskin mahupun yang kaya, yang mulia hatinya juga buat si kejam dan buat semua makhluk ciptaan Allah.

    • Belajarlah dari BUNGA - Sentiasa tersenyum menyebarakan harumannya, menghadiahkan kecantikan untuk mengubat hati yang gundah, juga menggembirakan setiap mata yang memandang.

    • Belajarlah dari LEBAH - Sentiasa berganding bahu, bekerja dengan hati yang riang dan semangat membara.

    • Belajarlah dari POKOK - Menghadiahkan buah yang manis dan segar sambil menndukkan dahannya.

    • Belajarlah dari BULAN - Terang memancarkan cahayanya yang kemilau dan indah buat menyuluh malam yang gelap.

    • Belajarlah dari SUNGAI - Tabah bergerak menuju ke destinasi dengan meredah apa sahaja halangan hinggalah sampai ke muaranya. Airnya lembut dan tenang taapi tiada suatu pun yang mampu menghalang kemaraannya.

    • Belajarlah dari DAUN YANG LURUH - Sabar ketika menghadapi kesukaran, sentiasa tersenyum menunggu hari yang lebih baik dan sesuai untuk tumbuh kembali.

    • Belajarlah dari HUJAN - Kehadirannya dinanti-nantikan buat menyejuk alam yang hangat, membasahi kekeringan, menghijaukan tanah yang gersang dan memberi nyawa kepada tumbuh-tumbuhan.
    Lihatlah ke dalam diri, peljari sifat-sifat alam yang dicipta Sang Penguasa Agung. Belajarlah dari alam kerana kita juga sebahagian darinya.

    Thursday, April 16, 2015


    Cara mengurus jenazah yang tukar jantina
    • Jenazah mestilah dikapankan dan disolatkan mengikut jantina asal kerana penukaran jantina tidak diiktiraf oleh syarak.
    Hukum wanita menutup aurat meletakkan gambar di laman sosial
    • Sebagaimana syarak melatakkan hukum kepada wanita untuk wajib menutup aurat dan tidak berhias-hias, begitulah hukum yang perlu diperlihatkan di laman sosial.
    • Harus meletakkan gambar di laman sosial seperti Facebook. Namun gambar tersebut mesti tidak terlalu besar, mestilah menutup aurat, tidak menarik perhatian lelaki dan diharuskan oleh syarak.
    • Gambar mesti dalam saiz yang sederhana agar tidak berlaku sebarang pengkhianatan terhadap gambar tersebut.
    • Terdapat kes yang dilakukan oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab mengambil gambar orang Islam dan dibuat super impose dan diedit menjadi gambar yang tidak sepatutnya.
    Hukum menyambut Hari Bapa
    • Hari Bapa adalah perayaan orang bukan Islam.
    • Ia berasal dari Amerika apabila rakyat Amerika mahukan bapa juga diiktiraf sebagaimana Mother Church mendapat pengiktirafan kerajaan dan gereja.
    • Hari Bapa diiktiraf secara rasmi oleh Presiden Amerika Richard Nixon dan mendapat pujian daripada gereja-gereja seluruh Amerika dan Kanada.
    • Dalam Islam, kita perlulah mengenang jasa ayah kita setiap masa dan tidak tertakluk pada tarikh itu sahaja.
    Hukum menyebut 'rahimahullah' kepada orang kafir yang mati
    • Hukumnya adalah tidak boleh. Apa yang boleh ialah mengucap takziah kepada keluarga si mati.
    • Tidak boleh menyebut rahimahullah kepada orang kafir kerana rahmat Allah tidak ada pada mayat orang kafir.
    • Ini kerana Rasulullah saw dahulu dilarang mendoakan keampunan dan rahmat kepada bapa saudaranya yang mati kepada kekufuran.
    Pasangan suami isteri yang kafir yang ingin memeluk Islam perlu kahwin semula
    • Sekiranya mereka sudah berkahwin dalam agama asal, dan kemudian kedua-duanya memeluk Islam, mereka tidak perlu berkahwin semula.
    • Semua anak-anak yang lahir daripada hasil perkahwinan mereka juga dianggap telah memeluk Islam.
    Hukum tulis doa pada status laman sosial
    • Hukumnya harus selagi kita tidak meminta dan mendoakan yang haram.
     Melanggar sumpah yang pernah dilafazkan
    • Sekiranya dia bersumpah dengan demi Allah SWT dan melanggar sumpah itu, dia perlu membayar kifarat iaitu berpuasa 3 hari ataupun memberi makan kepada 10 orang miskin.
    Hukum mendoakan perkara yang tidak baik terhadap orang yang menganiaya kita
    • Hukum mendoakan perkara yang tidak baik adalah makruh.
    • Sekiranya iaa tidak setimpal dengan kesalahan yang dilakukan, hukumnya adalah haram.
    • Sebaik-baiknya kita mendoakan supaya pintu hatinya dibuka untuk berubah ke arah kebaikan.
    Terima buah limau ketika Tahun Baru Cina
    • Hukumnya adalah harus dimakan buah limau tersebut yang diberi oleh orang Cina.
    • Ini kerana limau tersebut tidak termasuk dalam ibadat mereka yang kafir itu.
    • Tetapi sekiranya buah tersebut digunakan untuk upacara agama seperti di tempat pemujaan, buah tersebt tidak boleh dimakan.
    Ramalan tarikh lahir
    • Ramalan tersebut adalah syirik. Tidak ada rahsia kehidupan kita dengan tarikh lahir.
    Mati tidak mengucapkan dua kalimah syahadah ketika kemalangan

    • Tiada hadis ataupun ayat Al-Quran yang menyatakan sesiapa yang mati dan tidak sempat mengucap dua kalimah syahadah disebabkan mati mengejut akan masuk neraka.
    • Tidak semestinya orang yang mati tetapi tidak sempat mengucap itu sesat.
    • Ucapan keimanan yang paling penting adalah dengan sentiasa mengingati Allah SWT di mana jua kita berada.
    Hukum lelaki bertindik di telinga
    • Hukumnya adalah haram.
    • Apa-apa yang dikhaskan untuk perempuan adalah haram dilakukan oleh lelaki.
    • Bertindik hanya diharuskan kepada perempuan sahaja.
    Hukum makan hidangan kenduri kahwin yang tidak dijemput
    • Sekiranya dia tidak dijemput, tetapi dia sekadar datang, hukumnya tidah haram.
    • Tetapi ia menjadi haram apabila dia makan hidangan kenduri tersebut.
    • Dia wajib bertaubat dan memulangkan semula makanan itu kepada tuannya.
    • Sekiranya makanan sudah ditelan, dia wajib berjumpa dengan tuan rumah dan membayar mengikut nilai harga makanan yang dimakan.
    Hukum terlalu fanatik dengan artis
    • Kasih kepada artis yang melakukan dosa adalah dilarang sama sekali kerana ia menandakan kita redha dengan artis itu.
    • Makruh hukumnya sekiranya kita meminati artis bukan Islam walaupun lakonan dan nyayiannya tidak haram.
    Hukum membalas sihir yang orang hantar kepada kita
    • Haram kita membalas dengan sihir.
    • Tetapi harus hukumnya sekiranya kita kembalikan sihir tuannya sendiri kepadanya.
    Hukum guna nama samaran (nickname) seperti "Bidadari Syurga"
    • Ia tidak boleh digunakan kerana mendatangkan fitnah.
    • Apa sahaja yang datang dari syurga tiada bandingannya di dunia.
    Hukum wanita yang memakai tudung tetapi menampakkan tocang.
    • Ia dimaafkan sekiranya sukar menyembunyikan bentuk rambut di dalam tudung.
    • Situasi yang dilarang adalah sengaja menampakkan bentuk tocang itu.
    Hukum membuka purdah bagi dilihat bakal suami
    • Tidak menjadi kesalahan kerana Nabi Muhammad menyuruh lelaki yang ingin berkahwin melihat dahulu muka perempua yang mahu dikahwini.
    • Nabi tidak mengatakan bahawa perkahwinan mesti berlaku selepas sesi taaruf.
    • Tetapi bagi sesiapa yang berniat untuk bermain-main denga perkara ini, maka orang itu berdosa.
    Akikah bagi bayi yang mati di dalam kandungan
    • Menurut sesetengah ulama, akikah tidak sunat dilakukan untuk orang yang meninggal dunia.
    • Yang menjadi sunat adalah memberikan nama kepada bayi yang meninggal selepas 120 hari bayi tersebut berada dalam kandungan.
    • Bayi yang meninggal sebelum mencapai 120 hari dalam kandungan tidak sunat diberikan nama.
    • Menurut sesetengah ulama, jasad ditiupkan roh pada hari ke-121 dalam kandungan.
    • Setiap jasad yang ditiup roh pasti akan dibangkitkan semula selepas mati. Yang belum cukup 120 hari, ia tidak akan dibangkitkan dan tidak perlu diletakkan nama.
    Sendawa ketika solat
    • Tidak batal solat sekiranya bukan mengeluarkan bunyi sendawa itu dengan sengaja.
    Hukum meriba Al-Quran
    • Meriba sesuatu bukan membawa maksud hina. Kita boleh meletakkan Al-Quran atas riba ketika membacanya tetapi perlu dijaga adab-adab supaya terpelihara kesucian dan kehormatan Al-Quran.
    • Sekiranya berniat bagi menghina,perbuatan tersebut adalah haram.
    Hukum orang bukan Islam membaca Al-Quran
    • Orang bukan Islam boleh membaca ayat Al-Quran melalui paparan skrin, digantung dan sebagainya.
    • Namun, mereka tidak boleh menyentuh teks Al-Quran.
    • Hukum ini diringankan bertujuan memperkenalkan Islam kepada mereka.

    Tuesday, April 7, 2015


    Menurut Syeikh Dr. Wahbah Az-Zuhaili dalam Kitab Tafsir Al-Munir, 
    tajassus ialah mencari aib orang lain yang tersembunyi dan rahsia.
    Ia termasuk dalam dosa-dosa besar.

    "Wahai orang-orang yang beriman. Jauhi daripada banyak berprasangka. Sesungguhnya sebahagian daripada prasangka itu adalah dosa dan janganlah kamu mencari-cari kesalahan orang lain (tajassus)."

    (Surah Al-Hujurat : ayat 12)



    Dari segi bahasa, hudud bererti menahan ataupun mencegah.
    Dari segi istilah, hudud diterjemahkan sebagai hukuman yang ditetapkan oleh nas-nas Al-Quran dan sunnah yang wajib dilaksanakan sebagai memenuhi hak Allah. Kadar hukumannya tidak boleh dipinda sama ada ditambah atau ditolak.

    "Itu adalah hukum-hukum yang sudah ditentukan. Oleh itu, jangan kamu mencabuli hukum-hukum Allah, maka mereka itu adalah orang-orang yang zalim."
    (Surah Al-Baqarah : ayat 229)


    Persetubuhan haram tanpa akad nikah yang sah antara lelaki dan perempuan.
    Bagi penzina yang belum berkahwin, hukumannya adalah sebat 100 kali.
    Bagi penzina yang sudah berkahwin hendaklah direjam sampai mati.
    Melemparkan tuduhan zina tanpa bukti terhadap orang yang baik.

    80 kali sebatan
    Minum arak :
    Meminum minuman yang memabukkan dan boleh menghilangkan kewarasan akal

    40 kali sebatan
    Mengambil harta orang lain secara senyap atau sembunyi

    Potong tangan

    Mengambil harta orang lain dengan menggunakan kekerasan, paksaan, ugutan dan ancaman
    Perbuatan membunuh mesti dihukum dengan cara membunuh juga.
    Sekiranya merompak sahaja, perompak tersebut akan dipotong tangan dan kakinya secara bersilang.
    Sekiranya hanya mengganggu ketenteraman awam, seseorang itu akan dipenjara.
    Riddah (Murtad):
    Seseorang yang keluar dari Islam sama ada dengan perbuatan atau perkataan.

    Bunuh (Selepas diberi tempoh bertaubat selama tiga kali)



    Ancient Arabs
    Used the stars to guide them in long journeys across the deserts.
    They stated that one month consists of 30 days.
    Ancient Chinese
    Named some constellations after animals and their gods.
    They were able to predict eclipses of the Sun and the Moon.

    Priests in India
    Made and recorded very careful observations on stars and planets.
    They believed that the lives of human beings were influenced by heavenly bodies.
    (582-500 BC)
    Stated that the Earth was a sphere. It looked flat because it was very large.
    (384-322 BC)
    Also stated the Earth was spherical but he believed that the Earth was the centre of the Universe and that the Sun and planets were orbiting it.

    Believed that the Earth was the centre of Solar System and that the Sun, the Moon and planets orbiting the Earth
    Each planet also moved around its own orbit.
    The stars were situated on a sphere far away from the planets.
    The stars moved across the sky when the sphere turned.
    Used mathematical principle such as trigonometry and logarithms in the study of astronomy.
    Suggested that the Sun was the centre of the Solar System, not Earth. He wrote a book on this theory.

    Supported Copernics' theory. His observation of the four moons of Jupiter using his first self-made telescope confirmed for him that Copernicus' theory was correct. He also used his telescope to observe the Moon's surface and sunspots on the Sun.
    Showed that the orbits of planets were elliptical and not circular as was widely believed.
    Discovered the law of gravity.
    Explained that the planets were kept in their orbits by the force of gravity of the Sun.
    Predicted that the comet seen in 1682 would return in 1758.
    His prediction is true and the comet was later named Halley's Comet.
    Discovered planet Uranus in 1781.
    Discovered planet Neptune in 1848.
    Famous for his theory of relativity which changed the ideas of time, space and energy.
    Proved the existence of galaxies and suggested that the Universe was made up of galaxies.
    Discovered planet Pluto when he was only 24 years old.


    1957 (October)
    Sputnik I, the first man-made satellite, was launched into space by the Russians. It orbited the Earth.
    1957 (November)
    Sputnik II, with a dog in it, was launched into orbit. The satellite was burnt on entry into the Earth's atmosphere.
    Lunar 2, the first spaceship built by the Russians, was launch to photograph the surface of the Moon. The spaceship crashed on the Moon's surface.
    Major Yuri Gagarin became the first man to orbit the Earth in his spaceship. He returned safely to Earth 108 minutes after launching.
    Alexei A. Leonov became the first man to walk in space. He was attached, to his spaceship, Voskhod 2, by a gold-plated cable.
    Lunar 9, Russian spaceship. Successfully landed on the Moon. There was no astronaut on board.
    1969 (21 July)
    American astronaut, Neil Armstrong, landed on the Moon. He and his two companions returned safely to Earth on board Apollo 11.
    Skylab, the first space station, was sent into orbit by America.
    Several spaceships were launched to study Mercury. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. They sent back photographs and other information to Earth.
    The Discovery, America's first shuttle spaceship was launched. It carried 5 astronauts and placed Hubble Space Telescope in orbit. This telescope is still sending back photographs of distant galaxies.
    The International Space Station sponsored by 16 nations was launched. It is scheduled to be completed in 2006. It will have living accommodations, a power station and laboratories. It will be about the size of a football field when completed. It orbits the Earth every 90 minutes at a speed of 27,000 km/h and at altitude of 400 km.
    2004 (July)
    Cassini, a NASA spaceship, went into orbit around Saturn after travelling 7 years from the Earth. This probe will study the planets, its rings and its 31 known moons.
    International astronomers released an image of a giant planet observed outside our Solar System.

    • Space telescopes (Eg: Hubble Space Telescope)
    • Radio telescopes
    • Rockets
    • Space shuttles (Eg: Columbia, Discovery)
    • Satellites
    • Spaceship and space probes
    • Space station (Eg: Skylab, Mir, International Space Ship)

    • Telecommunication
      • Receive signals from Earth, amplify them and send back to receiving stations on Earth.
    • Weather forecasting
      • Detect changes in atmosphere (changes of temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind direction, clouds)
      • Information sent to meteorological stations on Earth
    • Locating natural resources
      • Locate areas on Earth which are rich in minerals, petroleum, natural gas, metal ores
      • Shows areas suitable for growing crops and condition of forests
      • Detect oil spills on sea
    • Navigation of ships and aeroplanes
      • Help sailor and pilots find their position by sending necessary information.
    • National defence
      • Spy satellites are used to get information of foreign countries regarding their military capabilities.
    • Alloy and medicine manufacturing
      • Certain medicines and alloys are best prepared in vacuum.
    • Solar panels
      • Developed for spaceship to operate satellites
    • Heat resistant materials
      • Developed for spaceships and now used in electronic industry.
    • Photography techniques
      • Techniques and lenses developed for spaceships are now used in everyday cameras.

    Design Experiment SPM Biology